Friday, October 16, 2009

Setting Learning Objectives

Just read a great post from talking about learning objectives. As mentioned in the post as an instructional designer you have been drilled with Gagne's nine events of instruction of which number 2 is to inform the learner of the learning objectives. How is this done - well generally in a very boring, non-engaging way... After finishing this topic you will know: and then the bullet list.

Why not be more creative about learning objectives. Set the scene so the learner can see why these learning objectives are important and how they relate to the REAL WORLD. One of the comments even suggests getting the learner to set the learning objectives - what a great idea.

Pointers form the post:
  • Begin an upfront discussion with learners that involves a series of questions about what they know/do currently.

  • Paint a scenario for learners that depicts a “real world” situation where specific knowledge/skill is required.

  • Identify challenges related to the course topic and have learners use/share their own experiences.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

MySQL Workbench

Trying to get MySQL Workbench working this weekend - to no avail. It kept complaining that I didnt have the right library files. As far as I could see in /usr/lib and /usr/lib/mysql all the necessary library files were there.

A fix was found on the MYSQL bug site:

[23 Sep 10:06] Ignat Alexeyenko

I fixed this in following way in Ubuntu 9.04 (Just created a symlink in /usr/lib

cd /usr/lib
sudo ln -s

and presto it worked!